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I walked on the pilgrimage road and reached Hongu-Taisha shrine

I walked along Nakahechi road.目次 There are 4 pilgrimage roads in the Kumano area. 1.Nakahechi road I …

Let’s take a retro tram and go to Sumiyoshi Shrine !

It was sunny day. I went to Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. One of my favorite Shrine in Osaka. Recommended …

Shotoku Taishi

I built Shitennoji temple over 1400 years ago. We were in a civil war. Our army was about to lose. I …

Art craft “Inden” is Japanese traditional techniques

I visited Indenya shop where I could see nice art and craft. This craft was liked by the samurai. 目次 …

Donburi (丼物)- Japanese rice bowl –

Japanese white rice My foreign friends are not good at white rice. It has no taste. It fee …