Few foreign tourist History Japanese Temple

There are more than 10buildings in the precincts. Shoten-san temple.

投稿日:2017年12月29日 更新日:

The Ikoma Mountain 642 m high.
Shoten-san temple is the middle of this Mountain.
About 300 m high.
There are more than 10 buildings in the precincts



You can enjoy Mountain landscape of Japan,
like the Samurai move.
It is not sightseeing temple,
about 3 million worshipers coming in a year.

It is main Hall.

Haiden (拝殿) It is a building where people play.

There is Shoten-do hall behind Haiden hall.

The God shoten-do hall people not into it.

Only priest can into it.

You can see the big wooden purse bag.

It is very important to me.

Put the wallet on it edge and stroke.

Please you play “Coming the Money”

Many business men come here and play,

from long ago.

I bought a candor and incense stick.

When you light a candle, please you use this fire.

Because we said,

if you give the fire from another candors

you get the bad karma from it.

The pagoda.

You can see the
Buddha statue and small hall on the rock.


Before we could visit it but now Rock falls happen.

Daikoku Hall.


I try fortune telling “Omikuji”

Result was “Worst” 凶 Kyo

The staff old men said,

“Oh NO” and he said,

“Please you pray inside”

He was very kind.

It was special service.

I was very lucky!!

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-Few foreign tourist, History, Japanese Temple



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