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The god of Tumor – Ishikiri Shrine –

Many people pray for the healing of the tumor “Ishikiri shrine” If you pray to the god o …

Take a walk in Kyoto 1

I worked in Kyoto today. After, I was walking around Shijo to Sanjo. Right side building is a restau …

Clothes in November

November is a nice climate.目次 It is cool and pleasant. If you come to Japan, it is one of the best s …

My favorite healthy bento shop in a department store near Osaka Station.

Grocery counters in department stores in Japan are very popular. The area is in the basement, so it& …

The strongest power spot Gotobiki-Iwa and Hayatama shrine

Kumano Shingu area 目次 Kumano Hayatama Shrine sits at the foot of the mountain. Two other shrines in …