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A wonder old man in Naha city Okinawa.

Until a few years ago, Okinawa was number one longevity prefecture in Japan. There are five reasons …

Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine: Ancient History & National Treasures

Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine start the history at before the 5 century.目次 These wooden buildings are nati …

Osaka Expo park National Museam of Ethnology is Fun!!

Osaka Expo park is very nice place for children. There are lots of playgrounds and two Museum. Seaso …

Hokkaido – Just 2 hours by plane from Osaka, KIX –

I visited to Sapporo of Hokkaido.I want to know Ainu culture (Ainu is indigenous people of Japa …

Mii-dera temple – Side of the biggest lake in Siga prefecture –

Mii-dera Temple(The official name The Onjo-ji Temple) 246, Onjojicho, Otsu-shi, Shiga, 520-0036, Jap …