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Clothes in November

November is a nice climate.目次 It is cool and pleasant. If you come to Japan, it is one of the best s …

Original ancestry of Japanese manga“Choju-Jinbutsu-giga”

Japan’s famous national treasure! ! Let’s go and see it!! Picture scrolls “Choju-J …

Let’s have fun this year too with Japanese trip!!

I want to update my blog posts of fun trip from Osaka. I hope many people to read. I will write dail …

The god of Tumor – Ishikiri Shrine –

Many people pray for the healing of the tumor “Ishikiri shrine” If you pray to the god o …

Let’s take a retro tram and go to Sumiyoshi Shrine !

It was sunny day. I went to Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. One of my favorite Shrine in Osaka. Recommended …