
Japanese cherry blossoms 2018 Viewing!! Last chance in Osaka.


There are many types of Cherry trees in Japan.
The most common type is “SOMEI YSHINO
You has a chanse to see Sakura only for a week in Spring.

If you lost a chance to see “SOMEI YOSHINO”,
you has a chance to see Double cherry blossoms in Osaka Mint.


Japanese Mint the cherry blossoms Viewing!!

The custom of making pathways lined with
cherry trees in the site of the Osaka Mint
open to the public for one week
in the middle of April every year in Osaka.

Event period

April 11th – 17th (opend 10:00 – 20:00)


In this time I used Osaka sabwey Tanimachi line “Tenma-bashi” station
If you come it from Kyoto, you can use Keihan line “Tenma-bashi” station

You will never get lost a way.

Many people are walking to the Mint from the station.

The food stalls of the festival.

Takoyaki, Okonomi-yaki,Fried chicken etc.


There are 134 kinds, about 350 of cherry blossom trees.

They are very beautiful !!

See you next on our trip!!




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