Art Few foreign tourist Japanese food Osaka

Osaka America Village

投稿日:2017年12月4日 更新日:

There is an area of youth cultural origin in Osaka.

The place name is “Osaka America-Mura” Mura(村)=Village


Please look!!

The rising Statue of Liberty!

(But slightly small)

The famous wall painting by Shoutaro Kuroda.

Big Step is shopping mall in America-Mura.

There is Shoutaro Kuroda galley at Big step B2 Floor.

(Galley KAKIBA: Free: opend/ Sun Tue Wed 11:00~20:00)

There are many vintage clothing store.

Sankaku Park

The shape of this park is Triangle.


Here is center of America-Mura.


I looked at the origin of name of this area.

Befor this area has many Lunbers.

1969, a women start a café in the depots in this area.

Many young people visited her café.

After, the surfers opened their shops

of imported clothing items from U.S.

Now, this area is youth cultural origin in Osaka.


Near Sankaku Park, there is a Tacoyaki shop Koga-Ryu.

Tacoyaki is Osaka specialty snack.

(A ball in Octopus)

This Tacoyaki shop is famous in Osaka.

(Normal dish 10 peace 400 yen)


Hokkyokusei (Restaurant)

Omu-rice is most popular menu this restaurant.

It is western food arranged by Japanese people, like Ramen.

(Ramen is Chinese food arranged by Japanese people.)

This restaurant is old big house, it is very nice.

Omu-rice = about 1,000 yen~

Recommended for a walk in the boring evening,

when you stay in Osaka.

See you next in our trip!!

-Art, Few foreign tourist, Japanese food, Osaka



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