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Hotel “Resort Kumano Club”

I stayed at the hotel “Resort Kumano Club” I made a res …

Ikoma Mountain Shoten-san Temple(3 hour tour from Osaka city, 3000 yen per person)

Ikoma Mountain Shoten-san Temple The official name is Hozanji Temple in the Ikoma Mountain. But a lo …

Clothes in March

March is getting warm in Japan. 目次 If you are lucky, you will see cherry blossoms bloom. near the en …

Namba Ysaka shrine – Big Lion head stage!! – Osaka

I will introduce the buildings in Osaka that have very impact. Big Lion head building 目次 Access 2-9- …

A wonder old man in Naha city Okinawa.

Until a few years ago, Okinawa was number one longevity prefecture in Japan. There are five reasons …