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Let’s have fun this year too with Japanese trip!!

I want to update my blog posts of fun trip from Osaka. I hope many people to read. I will write dail …

Please visit Imamiya Shrine in Kyoto, which is said to be beneficial for marrying a rich man! Traditional sweets “Aburi mochi” are exquisite.

Information目次 21 Imamiya-cho, Murasakino, Kita Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture 603-8243Opening ho …

Useful language in Japanese 3 and Osaka dialect 5

I will write useful Japanese words for you trip in Japan. I live in Osaka and I speak Osaka dialect. …

Himeji castle – The way to Himeji Castle from Osaka –

Himeji Castle also known as White Heron Castle (Shirasagijo) It is due to its elegant. My foreigner  …

Ise grand shrine. A majority of that space is forest.

目次 Ise shrine, a majority of space is forest. Around of the Japanese shrine is forest. We call this …