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Clothes of May in Japanese trip

When you Come to Japan, it is trovleful to choose your Clothes in your countory. Please refer this t …

2018 my first visited place was Ise Shrine!!

I visited Ise Shrine on 3rd January. It is important 3 days of New Year for Japanese people. It is l …

Clothes in November

November is a nice climate.目次 It is cool and pleasant. If you come to Japan, it is one of the best s …

Donburi (丼物)- Japanese rice bowl –

Japanese white rice My foreign friends are not good at white rice. It has no taste. It fee …

I started walking the pilgrimage road “KUMANO KODO”

I started at 8:30 in the morning from the hotel by car. I arrived at the car parking area Kumano Hon …