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The god of Tumor – Ishikiri Shrine –

Many people pray for the healing of the tumor “Ishikiri shrine” If you pray to the god o …

Ise grand shrine. A majority of that space is forest.

目次 Ise shrine, a majority of space is forest. Around of the Japanese shrine is forest. We call this …

2018 my first visited place was Ise Shrine!!

I visited Ise Shrine on 3rd January. It is important 3 days of New Year for Japanese people. It is l …

Art craft “Inden” is Japanese traditional techniques

I visited Indenya shop where I could see nice art and craft. This craft was liked by the samurai. 目次 …

Let’s have fun this year too with Japanese trip!!

I want to update my blog posts of fun trip from Osaka. I hope many people to read. I will write dail …