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The strongest power spot Gotobiki-Iwa and Hayatama shrine

Kumano Shingu area 目次 Kumano Hayatama Shrine sits at the foot of the mountain. Two other shrines in …

To take a walk around Osaka station

Osaka station is a main station in Osaka.目次     There are many shopping spots around Osaka …

Dotonbori The most famous sightseeing spot in Osaka

Many small theaters gathered on the riverside. And food service for spectators gathered too. Now the …

THE indigenous people of Japan Ainu

Hokkaido Museum is a great place to learn about the history of the Ainu目次 Ainu are indigenous people …

Unique in the world! A town with over 100 temples gathered in Osaka.

There are about 100 temples in this area “Shita-dera-machi”目次 It is rear landscape in th …