Diary History The world cultural heritage

Astonishment! Shuri Castle in Okinawa that burned in no time.

投稿日:2020年5月15日 更新日:

One day I was very surprised to see the news.
Shuri Castle is on fire.

Shuri Castle was burned during the Battle of Okinawa in World War II. And all the reconstructions were completed in January 2019. However, it burned down on October 31st of that year.

Few years before, I went Okinawa Naha city.
Okinawa was different country about 150 years ago. And they have different culture and religion.
Originally it was a foreign country, so I feel like I am in a neighboring country.


Shurijo Castle Park Management Center
〒903-0815 1-2 Kinjo-cho, Shuri, Naha City, Okinawa

Admission Free Areas: Kankaimon, Kobikimon, Kyukeimon
Hours of Operation
April-June 8:00~19:30
July-September 8:00~20:30
October-November 8:00~19:30
December-March 8:00~18:30


Okinawans are completely different in character from mainlanders.
Okinawans are laid back.
For example, mainlanders like to keep time, but Okinawans feel like Indians. There is no problem with being late for one hour.
When I visited a small village in Okinawa, I found a sign with the rules of the village. It was written that “Let’s keep the time.”
I thought the sign is for children but it is for everyone.
Now you can see the burn mark of Shuri castle on tour.
Shuri Castle will be rebuilt. I hope that the reconstruction work will proceed safely.

I would like to write about this Okinawa trip.
It is very fun memory.

See you on our next trip!!

-Diary, History, The world cultural heritage



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