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Himeji castle – The way to Himeji Castle from Osaka –

Himeji Castle also known as White Heron Castle (Shirasagijo) It is due to its elegant. My foreigner  …

The god of Tumor – Ishikiri Shrine –

Many people pray for the healing of the tumor “Ishikiri shrine” If you pray to the god o …

Pilgrimage road “KUMANO KODO”

Kumano Kodo is a pilgrimage road 目次 to go to Kumano Sanzan (=Kumano Three Mountains) http://www.hong …

Japanese Natural Historian “Minakata Kumagusu”

He deepened exchanges with the curators of the British Museum.
He visited often there and writen the paper and Posted in Science journal Nature.

A wonder old man in Naha city Okinawa.

Until a few years ago, Okinawa was number one longevity prefecture in Japan. There are five reasons …