
The difference between a shrine and a temple 5 points

投稿日:2018年5月26日 更新日:

Foreigner friends often ask me,about
the difference between Japanese Temple and Shrine.
When Japanese people understand it, we had some point of the features.


1, The gate

The shrine = Torii Gate (鳥居)

The temple = Sanmon Gate(山門)


2, Goshintai (御神体) and Gohonzon(御本尊)

Enshrined in the shrine = Goshintai (御神体)
Enshrined in the temple =Gohonzon(御本尊)

3, Komainu(狛犬)and Bonsho(梵鐘)

There is Komainu(狛犬)in the shrine.

There is Bonsho(梵鐘)in the temple.

4, Features of the building

The shrine building is simple.
They are often painted Japanese red color(朱=Shu).
The shrine roofs are made of wooden bark(檜皮:Hiwada)

The temple building has many sculptures and paintings
on walls or pillars.
The temple roofs are made of roof tiles(瓦:Kawara).

5. How to pray

The shrine = Clap your hand (twice) in front of the main hall.

The temple = Put your palms together in front of the main hall.
(Please do not clap your hands)




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