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A wonder old man in Naha city Okinawa.

Until a few years ago, Okinawa was number one longevity prefecture in Japan. There are five reasons …

The strongest power spot Gotobiki-Iwa and Hayatama shrine

Kumano Shingu area 目次 Kumano Hayatama Shrine sits at the foot of the mountain. Two other shrines in …

“The Enchanting Colors and Carvings of Nikkō Tōshō-gū Shrine” and Nikko Toshogu Okunomiya, also known as Oku-no-in, is a sacred area within the Nikko Toshogu Shrine complex”The Enchanting Colors and Carvings of Nikkō Tōshō-gū Shrine”

Nikkō Tōshō-gū is an intricately designed and historically significant shrine nestled in the scenic …

The origin of Japanese food.
Zen Vegetarian Cooking Class

Myoshinji Temple in Kyoto is a head temple of one of Zen group.There are many small temples inside M …

Osaka Expo park National Museam of Ethnology is Fun!!

Osaka Expo park is very nice place for children. There are lots of playgrounds and two Museum. Seaso …