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About Japan Railways West

“Japan National Railways” was the largest Railroad Company in Japan. 30 years ago, it wa …

Ikoma Mountain Shoten-san Temple(3 hour tour from Osaka city, 3000 yen per person)

Ikoma Mountain Shoten-san Temple The official name is Hozanji Temple in the Ikoma Mountain. But a lo …

Hotel “Resort Kumano Club”

I stayed at the hotel “Resort Kumano Club” I made a res …

Mii-dera temple – Side of the biggest lake in Siga prefecture –

Mii-dera Temple(The official name The Onjo-ji Temple) 246, Onjojicho, Otsu-shi, Shiga, 520-0036, Jap …

Time travel !! Let’s go Osaka into the past?

You can experience Osaka past. This Museum is in a building 8F. You can see the town of 1830’s …